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Month: April 2019

7 posts

We inspire our clients and they inspire us.

Find out how you can charge your electric vehicle with solar.

There is no I in solar, but there is a U in sun. Solar power in Texas is growing in capacity and it’s because of you and people like Alan Montemayor.

Montemayor is a San Antonio native, who attended Mount Sacred Heart School and Lee High School. Montemayor has a bachelors of science degree in mechanical engineering from Texas A&M University.

At one point he moved to California to work in alternative fuels.

Then Montemayor came back to his hometown and worked at Southwest Research Institute up until 2010. He was with Southwest Research Institute for 25 years.

Today, Montemayor sits on the board of the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance and volunteers with the Sierra Club.

   So, why are people like Montemayor making a difference with solar power in Texas and in San Antonio?

   Montemayor and his wife reside in a 100% windtricity home.

They pay CPS Energy “a little extra” each month to account for their energy as if it was coming from the wind farms. And with plans to switch to solar energy and drop their windtricity, Montemayor hopes the amount of energy that comes from the sun in his house will power 100% of their use. “The most important thing in solar is to first minimize your use of energy to make the house as efficient as possible,” said Montemayor. Their home was originally built in 1959 and was “poorly insulated”.

In 1986, Montemayor and his wife moved in and he immediately installed an energy efficient air conditioning unit, water heater, R-38 insulation in the ceilings and blown-in insulation. Since then, Montemayor has installed energy efficient appliances, replaced all their exterior windows and doors with double pane argon, and replaced light bulbs with LED bulbs. They also minimize their energy use by controlling their thermostat.

   Montemayor and his wife are proud to be moving toward solar. In fact, they are not doing it to save money, but rather to set an example for neighbors and anybody who passes by their neighborhood. “The solar panels [will be] located on the front of the house, where people can see them,” added Montemayor.

Since his retirement, Montemayor and his wife have been traveling the world. They’ve been to 64 countries. Solar power in Texas isn’t the only place Montemayor has experienced solar. In fact, Montemayor and his wife have seen it all over the world. “We’ve been to the opposite end of extreme large concentrated solar arrays in Spain, where they have these huge mirrors that reflect the sunlight up to a central tower and a big boiler in the tower that generates electricity,” said Montemayor. “We’ve seen it on islands, where electricity is very expensive.”

Solar energy isn’t the only renewable that strikes interest with Montemayor. He would like to see electric vehicles continue to transition as well. Montemayor owns a 2003 hybrid Prius and a 2014 Mitsubishi i-MiEV, which is a battery electric vehicle.

The Mitsubishi ranges up to 60 miles and drives at 3 cents a mile. Right now Montemayor hopes to become the first person in San Antonio to have South Texas Solar Systems Inc. install for him the first inverter that is SolarEdge EV ready, which is an inverter that will have an EV charger integrated into the inverter. “So, theoretically, when the sun is shining and CPS Energy is active, I will be able to combine solar energy and grid energy and fast charge my vehicle,” explained Montemayor.

   Montemayor encourages the San Antonio Water System (SAWS) and CPS to adopt renewable energy. “I’m a realist. I realize getting to 100% renewables is not necessarily going to be an easy thing. What we really need is energy storage associated with our solar and our wind,” said Montemayor.

   Right now CPS has a pilot program at Southwest Research Institute to generate power with a large solar array and store that energy with a big battery.

Then there is the ongoing discussion between SAWS and CPS about a large solar array to be located at SAWS H2Oaks Center, which is their desalination facility. “If it passes it will be wonderful for San Antonio. In such an event, such as a big power outage San Antonio will still be able to have water supply powered with the storage energy using the storage water that is in the aquifer storage facility,” explained Montemayor.

Searching for the best solar company in San Antonio

This year solar energy is making headlines all over the nation.

While solar energy is the utmost cleanest and renewable source out there, its uses are becoming more popular.

When researching for the best solar company in San Antonio, you probably use Google to search for solar companies and then scroll through their services, etc.

What people need to know is the best solar company in San Antonio is the company that ranked #1 for a consecutive year on the list of rooftop solar energy companies from the San Antonio Business Journal.

The ranking is cumulated by the total number of kilowatts of local systems installed in 2018.

Earlier this month KSAT 12 announced a new report by the Environment Texas Research and Policy Center, who reported San Antonio ranked No. 7 in the United States and No. 1 in Texas for solar energy capacity.

   With only a quarter of the year already in wraps, solar energy is powering up homes and businesses left and right. In fact, solar energy can be stored with a solar battery and used at night.

Solar energy and its uses are inevitable for an efficient lifestyle. Aside from generating electricity for lighting, etc., solar energy can be used for heating water.

Here is an example of another use of solar energy from a recent San Antonio event known as SA Earth Day.  

The Westside Development Corporation reached out to South Texas Solar Systems Inc. in hopes of using solar energy to power the event’s PA sound system, guitar, a bass amplifier, and microphone. STSS was happy to help out the cause and provided their 20-foot off-grid container, equipped with six solar panels, two outlets, a flat screen, and AC unit. The off-grid container was built to sustain 20kwh. So with a little help from an extension cord, SA Earth Day was powered up by the sun and South Texas Solar Systems.

   Now with Spring in full effect and Summer blazing its way to Texas, solar energy is in demand and only the best solar company in San Antonio is ready to supply customers with what they need to switch to solar.


Desde los inicios de esta década South Texas Solar Systems Inc. se ha dado a la tarea de implementar una nueva cultura solar a lo largo todo el Sur de Texas; empezó como un proyecto local en la ciudad de San Antonio y debido al gran recibimiento y la inmensa aceptación por parte de los ciudadanos texanos fue  que se comenzó a expandir hasta cubrir todo el Sur de Texas.

Los sistemas de paneles solares que tienen por objetivo brindar la energía suficiente para que una casa o negocio funcione normalmente o en otros casos se busca disminuir el costo de la electricidad, la energía solar en un principio era costosa debido a que había muy pocas empresas dedicadas a la creación e innovación y por otra parte los instaladores; como eran muy escasos en la zona, cobraban cantidades exorbitantes por instalar un sistema de paneles solares, es por eso que South Texas Solar Systems Inc. vino a revolucionar la industria solar en el Sur de Texas con sus diversas promociones que se ajustan a las necesidades de nuestros clientes.

Se parte de esta nueva era de energía solar en Texas y forma parte de nuestra familia solar llevándote un sistema de paneles solares que cumpla con tus expectativas sin enganche y empezando a pagar tus mensualidades hasta el tercer mes de haber sido instalado!

Todos nuestros sistemas de paneles solares tienen una garantía de 25 años y cuentan con dos visitas al año de mantenimiento por parte de nuestros expertos durante los primeros 5 años!

Aparte de todos los beneficios económicos que tienen los paneles solares es necesario mencionar que ayudan inmensamente al cuidado del medio ambiente ya que no generan combustión de fósiles y por ende no producen gases contaminantes.

El momento de la energía solar ha llegado a Texas y es tiempo de que aproveches todas los promociones que South Texas Solar Systems Inc tiene para toda tu familia!

Haz CLICK AQUÍ y pide tu cotización totalmente gratis y habla con uno de nuestros expertos y pregúntale por los demás beneficios que puedes tener si decides cambiarte a energía solar en tu hogar o negocio!

¿Que compañía vende paneles solares residenciales?

South Texas Solar Systems Inc. es  una compañía dedicada a la venta e instalación de paneles solares residenciales o comerciales, fundada en el año 2007 en la ciudad de San Antonio, Texas; con el mismo objetivo y deseo de combatir el daño que sufre nuestro planeta Tierra por la contaminación que producen las compañías tradicionales al generar la electricidad que la mayoría de las personas utilizamos; al mismo tiempo que buscamos hacer que nuestros clientes ahorren dinero mientras producen su propia electricidad a través de los panes solares.

Nuestros paneles solares residenciales cuentan con tecnología de punta además cumplen con los mas altos estándares de calidad, de igual manera nuestros sistemas de paneles solares tienen una amplia garantía de 25 años.

Nuestro equipo de expertos en temas de instalación; que durante los últimos 12 años se ha estado capacitando y entrenando para ser los mejores en el área, espera poder cumplir con todas las expectativas que el cliente tiene.

South Texas Solar Systems Inc. cuenta con las mejores marcas para ti y tu familia! No olvides que te ofrecemos dos visitas por parte de nuestro equipo de mantenimiento al año, totalmente GRATIS!

Deja de gastar tu dinero pagando recibos de luz! Cámbiate a South Texas Solar Systems Inc. y llévate tu Sistema de paneles solares residenciales SIN ENGANCHE y empieza a pagar tus mensualidades hasta el tercer mes de haber sido instalado.

No lo pienses más, elimina desde un 75% de tu costo de luz, aprovecha nuestras ofertas y empieza a generar tu propia electricidad de alta calidad mientras aprovechas tu dinero en las cosas que mas te gustan!

Tienes alguna duda? Habla con uno de nuestros expertos en el tema y pregúntale por una cotización para tu hogar! Son totalmente GRATIS! HAZ CLICK AQUÍ!

The Alamo City is ranked No. 7 in the United States and No. 1 in Texas for solar energy capacity, according to a new report by Environment Texas Research and Policy Center.

The rankings come on the heels of the city’s solar energy capacity growing in 2018 to 186.9 megawatts from 161 megawatts in 2017, CPS Energy said in a news release.

The achievement was celebrated Tuesday at Palm Heights Community Center, which was one of the City of San Antonio’s facilities that is participating in CPS Energy’s Solar Host program.

CPS Energy announced an additional $15 million for its solar rebate program in December 2018. Since the announcement, the company has continued to see growth in commercial and residential customers applying to participate.

“Each year we harness more and more of the enormous solar energy potential in Texas,” said Emma Pabst, clean energy associate of Environment Texas. “We still have a long way to go, but leaders like San Antonio and CPS Energy are taking the steps necessary to power more homes, schools and businesses with clean energy from the sun.” 

Utility officials said the increase speaks to interest in solar energy by CPS Energy customers.

Source: Ksat