• Opening Times: Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 05:00pm / Saturday & Sunday: Closed

LG Solar Panels

The Sun Loves LG A home solar purchase is a big investment and a smart one. And LG loves your home, especially when it comes to solar energy. Our all-weather solar panels are efficient, environmentally friendly, and reliable... even on cloudy days.

Why choose LG Solar Panels?

LG Solar products have consistently outperformed competitos in wattage output, efficiency, and long-term reliability. How much could LG Solar save you?

LG Solar Panels

LG Solar gives you the power to choose.

Whether you’re looking to add to your existing system or maximize your solar output, all of our reliable modules are backed by one of the strongest warranty programs in the industry.

Cell Production Process

At LG Solar, quality assurance for every module is our top priority. We use the most up-to-date, advanced manufacturing processes in the production of each cell.

  • Inspection


    Each wafer is thoroughly examined and measured to eliminate defects, so only the best quality ones are used for production.

  • Wet Etching


    Each wafer is thoroughly examined and measured to eliminate defects, so only the best quality ones are used for production.

  • Diffusion


    N-type emitters are formed by loading P-element POCI3 gas into P-type wafers.

LG Home & Business Solutions